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Creating a Tarot Reading app using Streamlit

As a Python lover, I like spending time to learn a new library. Therefore, I decided to learn Streamlit by developing an app that gives a tarot reading.

I am glad that I started this project since I learned many new things. Here is a list of what I learned through this project:

  • Develop a simple web app using Streamlit

  • Run locally the web app using Google Colab and Ngrok

  • Use Share Streamlit to share the web app to the public

  • Use Pandas library to explore the dataset


You can check the web app by clicking on the link here



















If you would like to develop a web app using Streamlit and Ngrok at Google Colab using a Kaggle dataset, follow these steps:

1. Install streamlit, pyngrok, kaggle and pipreqs

2. Make a kaggle directory

3. Copy, download (and unzip) kaggle dataset

4. Develop the streamlit app

5. Create an ngrok authtoken

6. Run streamlit app on the background

7. Create public url

8. Download the requirements.txt 


The code developed for the project can be viewed here.


Streamlit Share is used to make the web app publicly available. In order to do that, your GitHub account should get connected with Streamlit Share. A useful tutorial to do that can be found here, developed by Mirsa Turp. 


Again, the code can be found in my GitHub repo under Tarot-Reading-App repository.

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